More Teacher Talk
Devoted to professional development, teacher wellbeing and all things positive in education - The aim is simple: to share the positive voices of teachers and school leaders from around the world. Each podcast covers a different topic, with guests sharing personal stories and their views on what can help. Although based in the UK, the themes of curriculum, assessment, pedagogy, behaviour and pastoral support are universal and can help to promote connected open dialogue with teachers around the world.
More Teacher Talk
Get Into Teaching: recruitment and retention special (part 1) - with Addison Brown
Carl McCarthy
Season 1
Episode 4
In this episode Addison Brown, star of the 'Get Into Teaching' TV campaign, shares his thoughts on why now may be the perfect time to become a teacher. Addison is a Team GB Water Polo Athlete, musician, father, husband and secondary school teacher in his third year of teaching at the time of this recording.
He talks about the people and books that have inspired him on his journey, the positive ways to manage workload and how to tackle those challenging moments in the early parts of a teaching career.
Recorded in Manchester, UK, this is part 1 of a half-term special devoted to recruitment and retention.